Let the AI do research for you. Returns one value with a source.
query: the research topic cells: optional what the research refers to
Example:"CEO of this company", A3) -- find the CEO of the company mentioned in A3
Ask the AI for a value. No source, so might not be accurate.
query: the research topic cells: optional what the research refers to
Example:"The population of this city", A3) -- find the population of the city in A3. Returns a guess for smaller places or might just halucinate. Use ai.research for something backed by a source.
Returns a table of items matching the query, optionally limited to count.
Example:"countries in the EU", ["name", "capital", "population", "gpd"], 27)
Formats a list of cells to use as source for a research call.
Returns a list of items matching the query, optionally limited to count.
Example:"countries in the EU", 27)